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We envision a world of empowered and educated young females thriving in their chosen fields without limitation

Our Mission

To empower young females for local and global opportunities, enabling them to become confident, capable and empowered individuals who positively impact their societies.

founding story

Growing up, I was deeply passionate about quality education and its transformative power. In my community, I noticed a disturbing trend: parents struggled to afford schooling, and even when they could, girls were often stayed at home to help with household chores and selling goods for the family’s survival. This disparity in educational opportunities drove me to act.

As a high school graduate, I organized lessons for children in my neighborhood. I taught mathematics, English, verbal reasoning, and quantitative reasoning, aiming to provide a stronger educational foundation for these kids.

Later, as a student at the University of Ibadan studying health education, I became acutely aware of the challenges young girls faced, from education to health to rights. This concern deepened when I overheard young women at a conference discussing their dreams, which were limited to marrying wealthy men and foregoing every other ambition. It became clear that these young women either lacked supportive environments that nurtured their potentials, or they were hindered by societal expectations.

Determined to change this narrative, I sought advice from mentors and leaders in similar initiatives across states. Their guidance was invaluable as I founded the Girl Child Development Hub in 2019. This initiative grew and evolved, and in 2023, it was formally registered as The Gloriae Girls’ Empowerment and Advancement Network, known as The Glea Network. Our work revolves around  empowering young women, helping them realize their full potential, ignite their passions, and discover their purpose.


Gloria Oladeji

Get in touch

We value communication and are eager to hear from you! Whether you have questions, need more information, or want to get involved, our team is ready to assist

Schools Impacted